
oh look! it's another baby quilt

front - in repose

Only this one's not for my wee one. This one's for my friends Nico & Sara and their adorable 3 month old daughter who I met for the first time just last weekend when they were in town. I started this quilt just a couple of months after Finn was born, banging out a bunch of half-square triangles in an hour or so. I totally thought I would have the top finished in a day. Hah! Yeah, that didn't happen that way. I was lucky that I had the top pieced when they called week before last to let us know they would be around Labor Day weekend. I was able to whip up a backing and quilt it in a day. Measuring 32 x 40 inches, it's a pretty modest size for a baby quilt, but it works. I'm pretty pleased with it (as seen here being kindly held up by my mother-in-law):

BH&G diamond quilt - front

BH&G diamond quilt - back

So after I quilted this, bound it, and threw it in the wash, I came upon about 1/2 an inch of open binding in the front as I was folding it up to wrap it. DOH!!! Apparently, I missed a spot when I initially machine-stitched the binding in place. I thought I was pretty thorough, but I know something funny happened with the walking foot at one point. What could I do to salvage the quilt? I didn't want to have to completely rip out the binding and start anew. Besides, it was already all shrinkly and wonderful after doing its thing in the dryer. There was just this one mess-up. What to do? It was pretty clear and easy - use a piece of selvage as a sort of fabric band-aid to cover up the spot and reinforce the stitches beneath. And hey, it works as a design element, too! Erin suggested making this my finishing touch on all my quilts, and I gotta say I *LOVE* that idea.

selvage color test numbers to the rescue

I'd been meaning to make a quilt like this ever since I saw Hillary's doll quilt years ago. And I'm happy to say that my friends loved it. Now to finish the other two baby quilts I have in progress and get them out to my other friends before their babies are in college.


Jess said...

Genius fix, and a lovely quilt.

Oiyi said...

I love it! Great colors.
And what a clever fix.

grumperina said...

That's one fabulously fabulous quilt! Love it!

NJStacie said...

Such a great quilt, such a great fix! I love it!

Unknown said...

Such a beauty!

Sereknitty said...

Gorgeous! I absolutely love everything about it -- the clean lines on the front, the colours, but especially the backing ... so very pretty!

debbie @ happy little cottage said...

Wow! Lucky friends. Great fix. Will have to save my selvedges to hide my mistakes :)

Mintyfresh said...

M, it's so fantastic!! I love the top and especially the little "patch" to fix a mistake with style.