
bottle blockers

Why, yes! I use beer bottles as blockers. They're thoroughly washed out, of course, and I scrubbed the labels off completely for a nice clean & clear surface. When faced with the task of blocking some mittens, I considered my blocking options - should I cut some plastic into mitten-like shapes? Should I have Matt cut mitten-like shapes for me on the saw at work? Would he be able to access said saw? How much time do I have to spare on working out this solution when I have butt-loads of stuff to get done in the next 24 hours? The answer hit me while I was washing dishes this morning. In the words of Homer Simpson: "Ahhhh, beer, is there anything you can't do?"


Anonymous said...

truly, there are only a few things beer can't do.

nova said...


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! My hubby would love another reason to drink beer. :)