
fiber festivals rock!

We went to the New England Sheep & Wool Festival earlier today, and man, what a perfect day for a fiber fest. It was truly phenomenal! It was great meeting up with such lovely people and friends. And there was even apple crisp to be had! It was awesome; we sucked it up. I have to admit, as much as I love going for the yarn, I love going for the border collies and the herding just as much. It's not like I ever get the chance to watch herding demos and trials outside of this venue, so I really appreciate it when I see it at the fiber fests. Those dogs are amazing! Speaking of which:

We also saw lots of lamb:

We even saw Lucha Libre lamb:

and alpacas:

And yes, I did score some sweet fiber, but more on that tomorrow. Right now, I'm feeling a bit like this fella here:

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